Letter “C and D” code

import axi
BOUNDS = (0,0,11.75,8.25)
# Set this variable to true when you wish to draw with the plotter.
draw = False

def main():
    #letter C
    turtle = axi.Turtle()
    turtle.pu() #pen up
    turtle.goto(1,4) # go to point (1,4)
    turtle.pd() # pen down
    r = 1 # radius for the curve quarter circle of C
    turtle.circle(r, -90, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering -90° (quarter circle) constituted of 100 lines
    turtle.goto(0,6) # go to point (0,6)
    r = 1 # radius for the curve quarter circle of C
    turtle.circle(r, -90, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering -90° (quarter circle) constituted of 100 lines
    turtle.goto(4,7) # go to point (4,7)
    r = 1 # radius for the curve quarter circle of C
    turtle.circle(r, -90, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering -90° (quarter circle) constituted of 100 lines
    turtle.goto(5,5) # go to point (5,5)
    r = 1 # radius for the curve quarter circle of C
    turtle.circle(r, -90, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering -90° (quarter circle) constituted of 100 lines
    turtle.pu()  #pen up
    #letter D
    turtle.goto(0,3) # go to point (0,3)
    turtle.pd() # pen down
    turtle.goto(5,3) # go to point (5,3)
    turtle.goto(5,1) # go to point (5,1)
    turtle.right(90) # rotate 90° to the right
    r = 1 # radius for the curve quarter circle of D
    turtle.circle(r, -90, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering -90° (quarter circle) constituted of 100 lines
    turtle.goto(1,0) # go to point (1,0)
    r = 1 # radius for the curve quarter circle of D
    turtle.circle(r, -90, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering -90° (quarter circle) constituted of 100 lines
    turtle.goto(0,3) # go to point (0,3)
    turtle.pu()  #pen up

    # Scale letter to fit A4-sized paper
    drawing = turtle.drawing.rotate_and_scale_to_fit(11.75, 8.25, step=90, padding=0.25)
    # Render drawing
    im = drawing.render()
    # Create an image file of the drawing
    # Draw with the plotter if relevant
    if draw:

if __name__ == '__main__':