# Lesson I've learned from this task:
# Continued from Task4_Art, I tried to simplify it by calling each shape for certain coordinates that I defined.
# Matt has kindly explained to me the new function and concept of coordinates and arrays for the loops positioning.
# Mina also helped me to simplify the codes and logics from Matt.
# I also challenged myslef again by adding a new shape (love heart) into my letter M.
# The picture output is perfect but unfortunately when I tried to print it out on Harry the Plotter, for some reason it didn't come out nice at all.
# The size/scale and position were not as what I expected. So I didn't submit this design, but I will try to fix and print it for hand in submission.
import axi
import turtle
A4_PORT = (0, 0, 8.25, 11.75) # A4 Portrait bounds
A4_LAND = (0, 0, 11.75, 8.25) # A4 Landscape bounds
def draw_circle(turtle, x, y):
turtle.pu() # pen up
turtle.goto(x,y) # go to point (x, y)
turtle.pd() # pen down
angle = 51 # I add 1 to make the circle rotate slightly bigger to diferent angle for each loop
for i in range(70):
def draw_pentagon(turtle, x, y):
turtle.pu() # pen up
turtle.goto(x,y) # go to point (x, y)
turtle.pd() # pen down
angle = 71 # I add 1 to make the pentagon rotate slightly bigger to diferent angle for each loop
for i in range(150):
def draw_love(turtle, x, y):
turtle.pu() # pen up
turtle.goto(x+150, y) # go to point (x+150, y)
turtle.pd() # pen down
turtle.goto(x, y+150) # go to point (x, y+150)
turtle.left(90) # rotate 90° to the left
r = 75 # radius for the curve on the love heart shape
turtle.circle(r, 210, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering 210° constituted of 100 lines
turtle.left(180) # rotate 180° to the left
r = 75 # radius for the curve on the love heart shape
turtle.circle(r, 210, 100) # draw a circular shape with radius r and covering 210° constituted of 100 lines
turtle.goto(x+150, y) # go to point (x+150, y)
turtle.pu() # pen up
turtle.home() # bring back the turtle to home position
def save_img(turtle, name = 'out'):
drawing = turtle.drawing.rotate_and_scale_to_fit(BOUNDS[2], BOUNDS[3], step=90, padding=0.5) # scale letter to fit A4-sized paper
im = drawing.render(bounds=BOUNDS) # render drawing
im.write_to_png(name + '.png') # save a image of your drawing in a file called name.png
def draw_img(turtle):
drawing = turtle.drawing.rotate_and_scale_to_fit(BOUNDS[2], BOUNDS[3], step=90, padding=0.5) # scale letter to fit A4-sized paper
def main():
turtle = axi.Turtle()
# circle coordinates
coord_c = [(300, -400), (0, -400), (-300, -400), (-150, -150), (-150, 150), (-300, 400), (0, 400), (300, 400)]
# pentagon coordinates
coord_p = [(600, -400), (-600, -400), (-600, 400), (600, 400)]
# love coordinates
coord_l = [(150, 0)]
# call circle function
for a in range(len(coord_c)): # len is length of the coord_c which has 8 set of (x,y) coordinates
arrays_1 = coord_c[a] # arrays for the circle coordinates consist of 2 options only: 0 for x and 1 for y
# print(arrays)
x = arrays_1[0] # if arrays is 0 then it's the x coordinate
y = arrays_1[1] # if arrays is 1 then it's the y coordinate
draw_circle(turtle, x, y)
""" This is another way of using 2 for loops function (but too long and a bit confusing :)
for b in range(len(arrays)):
# print(arrays[b])
if b==0:
x= arrays[b]
y= arrays[b+1]
x = arrays[b-1]
y = arrays[b]
# call pentagon function
for b in range(len(coord_p)): # len is length of the coord_p which has 4 set of (x,y) coordinates
arrays_2 = coord_p[b] # arrays for the pentagon coordinates consist of 2 options only: 0 for x and 1 for y
x = arrays_2[0] # if arrays is 0 then it's the x coordinate
y = arrays_2[1] # if arrays is 1 then it's the y coordinate
draw_pentagon(turtle, x, y)
"""# call love function (This is unfortunately not working)
for c in range(len(coord_l)):
arrays_3 = coord_l[c]
x = arrays_3[0]
y = arrays_3[1]
# print (y)
draw_love(turtle, 150, 0)
output_img = 'Task4_Love'
save_img(turtle, output_img)
# draw_img(turtle) # Uncomment to draw your image
if __name__ == '__main__':