Task 4 Art – Square, Circle, Pentagon Codes

# By changing the angle each time for the loops, this will create different shape, e.g. 90˚ angle will create a square and 70˚ angle will create a pentagon shape. 

import axi
A4_PORT = (0, 0, 8.25, 11.75) # A4 Portrait bounds
A4_LAND = (0, 0, 11.75, 8.25) # A4 Landscape bounds

def draw_square(turtle, x, y):
    turtle.pu() # pen up
    turtle.goto(x,y) # go to point (0,0)
    turtle.pd() # pen down
    angle = 91 # I add 1 to make the square (90') rotate slightly bigger to diferent angle for each loop
    for i in range(100):

def draw_circle(turtle, x, y):
    turtle.pu() # pen up
    turtle.goto(x,y) # go to point (0,0)
    turtle.pd() # pen down
    angle = 51 # I add 1 to make the circle rotate slightly bigger to diferent angle for each loop
    for i in range(70):

def draw_pentagon(turtle, x, y):
    turtle.pu() # pen up
    turtle.goto(x,y) # go to point (0,0)
    turtle.pd() # pen down
    angle = 71 # I add 1 to make the pentagon (70') rotate slightly bigger to diferent angle for each loop
    for i in range(150):

def save_img(turtle, name = 'out'):
    drawing = turtle.drawing.rotate_and_scale_to_fit(BOUNDS[2], BOUNDS[3], step=90, padding=0.5) # scale letter to fit A4-sized paper
    im = drawing.render(bounds=BOUNDS) # render drawing
    im.write_to_png(name + '.png') # save a image of your drawing in a file called name.png
def draw_img(turtle):
    drawing = turtle.drawing.rotate_and_scale_to_fit(BOUNDS[2], BOUNDS[3], step=90, padding=0.5) # scale letter to fit A4-sized paper

def main():
    turtle = axi.Turtle()
    draw_circle(turtle, 150, 300)
    draw_pentagon(turtle, 350, 300)
    draw_square(turtle, 350, 600)
    output_img = 'Task4_Art'
    save_img(turtle, output_img)
    # draw_img(turtle) # Uncomment to draw your image

if __name__ == '__main__':